
Summer Camp
Our Summer camp program begins when school lets out. Whether your child or children go to private or public school, we are there for you.
Miss Rachel who is our lead Summer Camp teacher, assisted by Miss Erin (one of our parent volunteers) plan each week to have a different theme. From learning about the planets, to under water exploration, and lots of fun science experiments along the way including baking bread and making ice cream and slim in a bag.
While learning about new and exciting things we have trips a couple times a week, at no extra to cost you. We go to the beach, walk the trails in New Bern, go swimming at a pool and play at the splash pad. We go to the movies, the park and in the afternoons when we are here at ATA we have a couple hours of quiet time to relax and watch a movie.
While at summer camp we also do a taekwondo class a couple days a week.
We also have a fenced in area that has a place the kids can ride bikes, play in the grass and throw or kick a ball around. We play with chalk and have water play outside along with many fun outdoor experiments.
Spring Break
Our Spring break program is a